Welcome to The Inti Practices

The illusion of separation seems to be stronger than ever these days.

Join us to counterbalance it with a practice of love as unity.

I was deeply fascinated with his (Stefan’s) one-human body idea. With lots more people like him, I believe this world will be easier to live (in).
— Kuniko K. (Japan)

The Body Prayers for Unity are channeled movement structures accompanied by voiced intentions meant to give people a visceral sense of a united humanity and the inherent pure divine transformative power each one holds in their bodies, a unity practice, vivid, collective, imagination-enlivening, participatory, and embodied.

Spirit teachers have shown me that there is only one human body on this planet.

In up to 45-minute weekly sessions, we gather for a gentle embodied peace practice gifted to humanity.

The practice helps us firsthand experience the possibility of inner and outer peace.

Body prayers are simple movements, visualizations, and affirmations that, when done with shared intent, activate a new story of peace and fellowship.

I hope you will join us. -Stefan Fabry

I do remember feeling more connected and grounded afterward. The practice itself is gentle, light, and warm. I enjoyed very much doing it and was, frankly, surprised by the result. Definitely a must-do!
— Sven E. (Belgium)

Stay tuned for the next date and time. Subscribe below to get updated as soon as the next practice is scheduled.

Our culture teaches us to believe we’re isolated objects, skin-encapsulated egos. The more we can experience our connection to the larger whole the better. This is a great practice for doing this...
....It’s a win-win-win-win – for you, Stefan, BFNet and the world. I hope to see you there.
— Robert G. (US)

Where does it come from?

I first heard the words “there is only one human body on this planet” from a spiritual teacher, Andrew Cohen, 30 years ago and it ignited something within me.

Years later, Salvia Divinorum, a plant teacher I was apprenticing with, showed me through a 25-year-long methodical curriculum what this means and how it feels.

During this time, following guidance, I learned skills to help me bring forward the gift of this teaching to the world. The result is a body of work I call “body prayers.” They emerged through the practice of kinaesthetic channeling I learned from energy medicine teachers.

I have been stunned by the beauty of these poetic, gentle movements and their liberating effect on my life. I am humbly in gratitude for the wisdom of the many teachers in my life and I aim only to bring their work forward so humanity can benefit.

The practice can only speak for itself… But in my body I felt a lightness, a brightness. I felt bodily aware of our interconnection as humans — somewhere in the back of my skull. I’m usually mentally aware of this unity, but am not always able to access it in my body.

Through our coordinated words and motions, I had an awareness that Stefan and I really are parts of the same organism. I can’t know that we were experiencing the same things, but in the container of this practice, my body told me we were…

It’s such a privilege to receive a practice like this fresh from the source. Stefan, thank you for offering it with such integrity and vulnerability.
— Brandon L. (US)
I was intrigued by his practice and commitment to the processes of embodiment.... I think others in the community will value what Stefan has to offer.
— Bob P. (UK)
It’s a breath of fresh air in this world where everyone is focused on darkness.
— Irena (US)
I have a huge sense of thankfulness; the practice opens mind, body, and soul, it expands the joy and heart energy.
— Mev S. (Turkey)
I’ve experienced this work several times in different contexts and it’s always given me a feeling of lightness. To me the practices feel natural and energizing. I like the idea of cultivating fellow-feeling this way, and tuning into awareness of how we participate in something larger with its own inclusive sentience.
— Mitra Martin (US)