“Having had phone sessions with Stefan for about 8 months now (25 sessions at this point), I can say that his clairvoyant capabilities are very impressive! We have done sessions on a wide range of topics, anything from finances to physical ailments, relationships, and more.
Stefan is able to go see what the root of the issue is, discover how it is playing out, remove possible blocks, and finally provide healing for it. He then gives a recommendation of something I can work with following the session to help incorporate the healing.
Stefan’s insights shed a light on the functioning and the thought patterns that are at the root of existing problems. We have dug deep and have traveled many paths that led to many revelations. I have even had a few sessions where I felt pain in a part of my body prior, and it disappeared by the end of the session!
I definitely recommend his work! He is kind, compassionate and talented!”
— Celine Sardinas, Private Jet Industry
“Working with Stefan is not only calming and enlightening in the moment, but it is also useful going forward after the end of the session. He provides practical applications for the information he uncovers, and suggests ways for me to integrate the wisdom that arises during the reading into my daily life.
From working with Stefan I have gained a new and powerful spiritual resource that I can draw on to survive particularly challenging moments. He has gently but clearly helped to increase my faith in myself and to nurture the understanding that my life is unfolding as it should. Stefan is exceedingly talented and a joy to work with. I highly recommend his services! ”
— Hannah Poston, Writer, age 34
“I’ve been working with Stefan for some time — five sessions so far. His presence and insights have been beneficial in providing a fresh perspective on important questions and issues. I have experienced positive long-term shifts in multiple areas. I appreciate his guidance and intend to continue working with him on a regular basis so that I can remain aware and aligned with what is important.”
— Andrei Andreev, Software Engineer
“I have been receiving sessions from Stefan for about 6 months now and have had 25 sessions. He starts by connecting to my energy then the healing flows from there. Part mediumship, part energy healing, Stefan has a unique approach.
Stefan always knows where I am at, even when I don’t want to admit it to myself. With each session comes greater release and insight. I also receive new tools in order to continue doing the work necessary for my full healing.
Because of Stefan’s ability to connect quickly and so deeply, I have been able to work on and heal aspects of myself that I have been working on for decades. I always feel lighter after a session. Working with Stefan has shown me a different way of learning without all the suffering. Stefan is truly gifted in what he does. If you are ready to go deep, do the work, and be free then Stefan will be your biggest ally. ”
“I feel the main benefit from our two sessions so far, has been the greater understanding of some of the trauma from my childhood. It has allowed me to heal at a deeper level and move forward.
Also, being able to channel my spiritual guide has been extremely helpful. It is also giving me the courage to move forward on my own and trust within myself. I have also learned and I am still learning to stop asking for permission. Everything is within me.
I definitely feel like Stefan is able to tap into something much deeper than most individuals I’ve worked with. He has a unique gift and I will take everything I have learned and apply it to my life. I’ve also referred a lot of my closest friends to Stefan.”
— Kelley Johnson, LCSW, Psychotherapist, Owner-Founder at The Healing Center, Las Vegas
“This is a brief but truthful testimonial to the gifts one receives from Source thru Stefan.
The Universe was showing me it was time to let go and grow spiritually. In Divine timing I was led to Stefan. This was the Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow.
Stefan opened the doors so I could move forward on my journey effortlessly - something I could not do on my own and had not connected with the “perfect helper” to do so either.
My journey with Stefan took four sessions to completely liberate my soul to be in the now. Each session was perfect - now I can see that. Each was necessary to complete the process of freeing up energy in Divine Order.
I now have the clarity and Trust my soul intends. I am eternally gratefully to Stefan. For now, Thank you ”
— Carole Wolf, Polarity Practitioner, Nanny
“I have been going through a difficult time in my life feeling stuck and directionless.
Stefan was able to connect with negative energy from past lives, that was the cause of my problems.
He has extensive training in energy work, and through 5 sessions so far, was able to clear out a lot of negative energies that have held me back.
He has also given me a lot of tools to heal, and move forward in my life. I highly recommend him to anyone who feels stuck in their life and needs direction. ”
— Debra Purpora
“Earlier this year I went for my annual health check-up and was shocked to discover that my cholesterol was quite high. I’m a sub 4 hour marathon runner whose only just turned 50 so this really was unexpected and somewhat depressing news. My doctor even advised I start taking medication to combat the cholesterol...
However, instead, I contacted Stefan! Stefan’s energy work had recently came to my attention and I was sure their had to be alternative treatments available that perhaps my doctor had yet to discover.
I had two phone sessions with Stefan about a month apart and I found them fascinating, pleasant and surprisingly inspiring. Stefan directed me to focus on certain points and areas in my body as he went about his work - sometimes in silence and sometimes with graphic visualizations that were almost hypnotic in nature. Either way, I felt safe and “included” in the process and completely in-touch with what was going on. I never realized one could experience such shifts from a phone conversation. While Stefan works remotely, he feels close, which of course is most reassuring.
As I understand it, Stefan’s energy “healings” work (and keeps working) on many different levels. Stefan redressed any negative energy or feeling I was holding which in turn re-aligned any bodily distress which had manifested as a consequence (i.e. my high cholesterol!). It was good to know after both the sessions that consciously and unconsciously my cholesterol issue was still being addressed as I went about my day tending to other things.
Needless to say a couple of weeks after my final session with Stefan I went to the doctors, and after further blood tests, I was told that my cholesterol level was SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER! So much lower in fact that the doctor told me I didn’t need medication after all. I was ecstatic!
I cannot praise the work that Stefan did with me enough. His manner, his soothing tones, his knowledge, his professionalism, his empathy and his energy-work literally created change within me. I absolutely recommend him.
Thank you Stefan!”
— Charles Whobrey, Business Owner and Hypnotherapist
“Stefan Fabry did a shamanic healing ceremony for me recently that was amazing!
I had been feeling off over the last several months. I found out through some medical lab work that I was experiencing hyperthyroidism. As a result of this condition, I was having body tremors due to spikes in blood pressure as well as fatigue. In addition, I had been in a car accident a little over a year ago and was still suffering chronic pain in my neck and right side of joints.
During my session with Stefan, I felt surges of emotional releases going on throughout my body particularly in my neck region. What was also revealed to me was that there were significant past lives where I was experiencing trauma to my body. With the help of Stefan, I was able to bridge the past and current life experiences to release many held energies that were not for my highest good. The session left me lighter and more at peace. Additionally, it helped to unearth the many unconscious past and present emotions that were blocking my true healing.